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Stop stealing 😲

Hello friend?

Ever steal?

But what if we told you you are probably stealing right now?

If you have a product or service you believe in — one that truly helps others — it is your responsibility to do all you can to market and sell it in the most effective way possible. If you do not, you are stealing from those who need you most.

Let us take that even further: 

If you have a message to share with the world and fail to, you are stealing.

If you do not share your voice with the world, then you’re stealing.

If you have a big idea for a blog post, and you do not share, you are stealing.

If you have a big idea for a product, or a service and do not get it out, you are stealing.

There is someone out there RIGHT NOW who needs what you have to offer. Someone who needs to hear it from you and just you. And if you do not express it, you will not make the difference you were born to make. That is why we are nudging you to put your ideas online now.

It will help you get your product, service, and message out there in a way that serves the people who need it most. So you can stop stealing and start making a difference.

The Paklette web design and development team is ready to give your ideas an online home so you can make a difference in the world. You never know what you are keeping yourself from by not starting. And if we did not remind you, we would be stealing from you.

So Contact us now to get started.

Because look,

You are on the planet for a reason. You have something to offer that other people need. If you won’t offer it, the world will miss something that yo came packed with.

A website is vital. So whether you develop your website with us or from somewhere else — take action, okay?

You are too good to be a thief.


With love,


P.S. We have a sweet fast-action bonus for those who reach out now, so reach out to us now!

So Contact us now to get started.

P.S. We have a sweet fast-action bonus for those who contact us now, so do it now!

Adapted from an email Newsletter by Marie Forleo.

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